The Standard Zoning Enabling Act revised as The Texas Zoning Enabling Act
Resolution to adopt the format of The City of Sugar Land No. 18-39 and based upon Section 1.05 of the City Charter created in the year of 2018. The actual City Charter is concurred in 1981:
According to Chapter 211.006 of The Local Government Code if a proposed zoning change is protested in writing by the owners of at least 20 percent of either: (a) the requested area; or (b) the 200-foot notification area, the council must approve the request by at least three-fourths of the total membership. This is often referred to as a "super majority" vote versus a "simple majority" vote. Chapter 211.006 also allows a city, by ordinance, to require a simple three-fourths affirmative vote if the zoning commission recommends that the change be denied.
Section 211.008 of The Local Government Code allows the City Council to appoint a board of adjustment of at least five members.
As a results, The Zoning Board of Adjustment was established by ordinance No. 774 and approved by Sugar Land Council November 5, 1991.
Currently, additional permission has been granted by the Mayor and the City Council of Sugar Land to create a Citizen Charter Review Commission consisting of five Sugar Land residents. This is further described as an independent citizen advisory board to assist in writing reports that review, revise, and possibly amend city governance policies.
In accordance with The Model Land Development Code that was created in 1960, we as the common voter, want to further represent in good nature the need for landowners to have self-representation by population.
The adjoining communities of formerly represented 4105 want to be acknowledged and are concerned for their properties after being rezoned to precinct three. Formerly known as precinct four, we wish to be returned to our former precinct because of our concerns over zoning policies that favor a "simple majority" of Democratic rule bestowed upon Fort Bend County after the fact that the redistricting map has changed Texas zoning codes. We the People are the "super majority." and deserve the proper representation.
The motion to also adopt a policy of five members to a subcommittee per ratio, pertaining to each individual community, whereas to existing City Zoning policies, or homeowners without out any access to an HOA, be updated of existing codes and rules of the City Council and municipalities. This pertains to city governance and local government education of also minorities, elderly homeowners, starter couples, veterans, and handicapped individuals.
Many of you feel the way that we do about so many issues that still left undone and unsaid. The following statement made by Senator Lois W. Kolkhorst says it all.
Many of you share my anger and frustration about the dire situation at our southern border. While DC has dedicated over $100 billion to protect the Ukrainian border, neither the Biden administration nor our U.S. Congress do anything for our own border security.
Texas taxpayers are forced to spend billions to do a job the federal government refuse to do. There is no help in sight and these desperate times require less talk and more action. That's exactly why my staff and I are working on a concurrent resolution for Texas Legislators to officially declare an invasion on our southern border and address the threat we are facing. This includes a bill to specifically empower our local law enforcement to create joint strike forces to directly lock up illegal immigrants who violate Texas law and detain them ourselves. I feel it's time to start our own border enforcement that is solely dedicated to protecting our border. More details to follow soon.
Where our U.S. Congress and the President stand down, the Texas Senate and House will step up.
This is personal for me because I am a sixth generation Texan with roots going back to the Texan Revolution. As James Bowie said about a month before the Alamo battle, "I'd rather die in the ditch than give it up to the enemy."
Today, the empire seeking to take down Texas consists of trans-national crime cartels shipping fentanyl, sex workers, and hordes of undocumented people across a Texas border across a Texas border that is kept wide open by their globalist accomplices in D.C. This is a time for choosing as Reagan said.
I'm choosing to fight for our sovereignty, using every bit of might Texas government can deliver.
The following resolution fits in with everything that our Conservative website has brought to the table to discuss. Despite constant division, "We the People" have spoken. A concerned constituent wrote as follows, which also includes our response to the solution:
The citizens of Texas deserve a working legislature. The past Texas' legislatures, including and especially the immediate past Democratic House, have failed, when writing and adopting the rules for session, to install in their rules, measures to prohibit, prevent, and penalize purposeful interruption and sabotage of the legal and normal operation of the important business of the peoples' chambers.
The great state of Texas was subjected to an expensive spectacle when elected Democratic representatives purposely refused to legislate by leaving the State for the purpose of denying a quorum to conduct business in order to stall the operations and functions of the entire elected body.
This experience has taught us that this tactic that has been used in the past and will be used again, unless our legislative body prohibits, prevents, and penalizes it in each and every session, or adopts permanent rules to that end, or unless we codify its prohibition and penalization as a Constitutional Amendment.
As to those that are objecting and inquiring as were told that this was out of the hands of the Speaker and/or the body to control, due to the (lack of pertinent) rules set up at the beginning of the session, it seems that it should fall upon the citizens to craft rules and consequences for disruptive, disrespectful, and irreverent actions by those that halted the legislative body from continuing positive actions.
If any future legislative action is acted upon to prevent those who purposely refuse to attend a legally scheduled session for the purpose of denying a quorum, he/she shall lose any chairmanship, vice-chairmanship, and committee membership to which may have been appointed to him/her.
Further it be resolved that any legislator who purposely refuses to attend a legally scheduled session for the purpose of denying a quorum, shall be deemed out of order and the quorum shall be established based upon legislators that don't participate in the ill-mannerism of any further disruptive boycott until further notice of a set standard for a legal quorum.
We conclude by resolving that any further action by a legislator or any group of legislators for the purpose of denying a quorum shall be invoked to sit out of the legislative body for the rest of the legislative session. Where upon if it is refuted legally that his /her actions were coerced as a collective action or a simple mistake, and that it will never be repeated again, then the constituents are at liberty to listen and judge the action as a true mistake so that the legislator will be allowed to continue and to be a recipient payee of the regular stipends.
Our solution is If the action is intended by willful intent, then the legislator shall be fined by reimbursing the taxpayers by not receiving pay/or stepping down and being held responsible for his/her staff by compensating their pay while not in attendance.
Wherefore, the taxpayers are and/or should be allowed to replace the legislative representative for any disruptive behavior if they deem it so/or are given the choice to keep the legislator until a further replacement is found/or reelection by enacting forgiveness of representation until the next election season.
Representation by forgiveness is when the constituents have believed that the action was just with due cause and will not be repeated again. In other words, innocent until proven guilty and repentance is backed with honest actions, and words of true intent of innocence.
Therefore, reelection is placed in the hands of the people by placing a vote during a normal election cycle. Once reelection is set in place, payment by representation is reenacted by the vote of we the people/further status of continuation of representation as a legislator.
It is important to contact your elected officials and make your opinions known as to whether you are for or against legislation being considered in the 88th Legislative Session. Further instructions will be on the Texas Legislature page. Thank you for being a concerned constituent.