Welcome to the Homepage of our website. The purpose of creating this second page is to talk about Conservative Values. There are many Conservative topics that we will be discussing that are very important to the purpose of our platform, but we will also be careful to focus more on the positive issues that can unify both sides of the aisle. For that matter, let us continue by letting you know about our mission.
Our Political Mission - Yes, this site is more about the Republican Party and our Conservative platform, but we will be leaving the debating part to the other Candidates, as we navigate our very own Pre-Campaign events, Workshops, and Townhalls. Faith, family, equal rights, and justice will be our main focus for now. As issues from the local, county, state, and federal level continue evolving, we will be there. We will be also hosting forums and debates in the near future.
Conservative Topics - The following page is just a continuation of the many more Conservative topics that we will be discussing. We want to be able to not only educate you further on our Conservative goals, but also on our specific goals for future generations to come. Everything from serving your community, to creating that one mission statement for your cause, is part of the research and demographics on how to learn more about how voters feel before making their final decision on voting day.
Unifying A Common Goal - Candidates are the best source of education, but you are also as well to those that are around you. Just because of the passion you have to unite people, you also have the compassion to understand the needs of the many. These qualities already define the purpose of a common goal, which means that you are truly a blessing to others.
Mass Communication Efforts - No one understands your community better than you do. Helping a Candidate is not always easy when it comes to social media, but if you are good at it, take heart, everyone that knows you will be keeping up with everything that you post.
Stay the course with good messaging that keeps them interested. It will generate reposting. Sometimes words are easier by calling people or even sending out an e-mail to your trusted group of family and friends.
You can also spread the same message by text messaging, or even sending flyers through the mail, house to house also does the trick. Door hangers can also be used to educate your neighbors. Phone banking is just another way of communication with others, without you having to leave your home.
Building Bridges of Friendships - The sound of a familiar voice is sometimes a little more comforting to people that never vote. You can make a difference by saying positive information about the Candidates to your next-door neighbor, or to your trusted group of friends and family in a comfortable setting. Dialogue leads to long-lasting friendships that build bridges of hope in regard to a better future for everyone that feels the same way that you do about pressing matters.
Volunteering/Donating - Candidates can't do everything by themselves. They need volunteers to create momentum from everything to social events, meet-and-greets, to even townhall meetings. They work tirelessly to become the voice of their communities. The one thing that they desperately need to do, is to send their particular message out to their opponent in an effective way. Their goals and hope for a better future are part of that message.
That being said, in other words, that they mean business, and are in it to win it. Even a simple donation gets the job done by providing information, to spread vital talking-points about the goals of the Candidate by using flyers, door hangers, business cards, and yard signs. Block-walking and phone banking are grassroots efforts at best, that can be an effective way of getting the message across as a collective volunteer base.
Conservative Values Are Family Based - Christian rights are also part of the basic core of our belief system to developing a better way to having a common goal. These beliefs are centered around faith and family. Bringing back prayer into our schools is a good example. That is one of many more examples to come.
Constitutional Rights - Equal rights and justice are also important to us. We value the rights of all people, no matter what their race or religion is. The American dream is very important to us because of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Freedom of speech is the perfect example of one nation under God, with liberty, freedom, and justice for all.
The Value of Life - Life is valuable and people are truly unique in their own way. That is what makes America so great. Despite this, every day the battle is waged on Christian Conservatives to change to the Left, but God comes first. Faith is a beautiful way to bring peace to both sides. Unification is necessary to getting things done. Not everyone agrees to this measure of thinking, but freedom of speech is on our side.
Future Common Goals - Unity and respect for others is another way to decrease bitter talk. Talking about family and education is the key to a better future not only for us, but for future generations to come, and potential constituent voters that care about the same important issues for their loved ones down the line of family heritage and succession. Equal rights for all families are always what drives and motivates us to strive for this to be our future main goal.
Latino Rights- So much has been discussed, that we want to also include the Latino community. On our Latino Republican Party Page, Latinos for Trump Community Page, Latino Policies Page, and our Texas Latinas Society Page, along with our Boots and Roses Gala, we want to talk more about the pressing issues and matters that Latinos face on a daily basis.
Conservative Judges- The hot topic of today is the Supreme Court. Democrats are unhappy about discussing traditional family, Christian values. We will be dedicating a small section to our Conservative justice system of beliefs on our Fort Bend Republicans Page and Concern for Fort Bend Page for further discussion.
Freedom of Speech- As we have been discussing the value of Conservatives speaking up, we must not forget that Nonconservatives speak everyday about Conservatives. God, family, and freedom can become an extended belief to Moderate Conservatives, despite the Left thinking only about converting negative thoughts into reality.
Our platform is further discussed on the Conservative Topics Page as we continue to create our website. Hopefully you will enjoy reading more about us by clicking on the arrow to the top right of our current page.
The following fourth page of our website discusses more about our basic way of messaging on behalf of Candidates. You can do more by becoming more involved in the process, by adding onto to the discussion of important Conservative topics, by verbally and mentally focusing on ways to reach out to future constituents.
The everyday task of being consistent in our messaging without hurting the other side of the spectrum is our main mission. People in and outside the district are working around the clock with us every day to make this positive impact happen. Our local community, schools, churches, and businesses will be able to join in on our efforts. Our staff, volunteers, and interns are also what make us so successful.
We are just beginning to make our agenda be known on a consistent basis, by creating a message board throughout our website by furthering our mission with our positive words to a positive voter base.